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Healthy Living

Keep moving forward on your personal path of wellness

Understand your habits and how to change them.

Include better food choices on a daily basis.

Start feeling more physically confident, energized or balanced.

Strengthen your heart for years of healthy living.

Improve your response to yourself and the world around you.

For your FREE consultation. It's easy and no obligation.

Strategies for a Healthier You

You can read a book that says carbs are the enemy, eat meat and fat instead. And another saying carbs are your best friend, eat no meat and fat makes you fat. Both books written by apparently well-educated people and yet completely contradicting each other...almost. Should you eat like a caveperson or a modern Mediterranean? Is butter really good for us again? If burning more calories or taking in fewer doesn't help me lose weight what will? Each of us has our own health questions, concerns and deeply held patterns and CFM goes beyond the trends, contradictions and easy fixes to bring you the science behind what works, when it works and for whom. Whether you’re trying to improve your diet, sleep, stress response, physical health or even just your attitude, CFM has effective strategies to help you take the next healthy step down your own path of wellness.

Mechanics of Every Day Living

Whether you struggle getting up from a chair or bed, putting away dishes, dealing with that nagging back ache or are just feeling sore from sitting at your desk all day, your life can be made more healthy & strong by simply maintaining good "form" and a stable and balanced core while doing everyday activities.  After an initial consultation, CFM will come to your home or workplace to better understand your needs and customize a core strength & functional mechanics program.  Whether you need just a single session to better perform basic movements like bending, lifting, and twisting or would like to learn and implement a full balance and strength program CFM is the right partner to get you MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER.

Healthy Heart

Did you know that walking just 20-30 minutes per day 5 days a week is all it takes to get your heart healthier.  In fact, recent research published in the journal Lancet showed that an extra 2000 steps per day (about 20-30 minutes) can reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 18%.  You don’t have to join a gym, take aerobics classes or lift weights to begin getting heart just need to move. And research over that last decade also makes it clear that you can be healthy at any weight.  If this is your goal then CFM can help create an easy-to-follow program that help gets your heart pumping stronger.

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